Saturday 24 November 2012

Stay fit during Christmas time

It's Christmas soon so its important for us "Gals"
 to keep fit or to start being fit as Christmas time is full of temptations .

As it's Winter and its too cold to go outside here it is 10 different types of exercise you can do indoors .

Now , you have no exucuses !!!!

What I do on Cristmas is eat whatever I want ( this is the only exception ) and do exercise so I can keep my "line ". If I do gain weight worries I will probably loose the next month as I usually dont eat  as much " sweetes " as I do during christmas time . I mean ...come on who is not tempted by Ferrero Rocher ( I always get it for Christmas , my fav ) ♥
1. Hindu Pushups
This is a great all body exercise. Start with your legs spread out as far as comfortable. Lean forward and place your hands about shoulder width apart. Your body position should look a "V". This is the starting position. Bring your upper body down towards the floor in an arc, inhale. Throw your head up towards the ceiling as you arch your back and straiten your arms, exhale. Return to the "V" position.

2. Hindu Squats
Hindu Squats is a fantastic lower body exercise. Start with your legs a little less than shoulder width apart. Lean forward slightly into the squat position with your knees over your toes, exhale. As you reach the bottom of your squat, place your hands slightly behind your back. As you return to the starting position, raise your arms in a rowing motion and finish with your arms tightly against your chest, inhale.

3. Squat Thrusts
Squat Thrusts is another excellent all body exercise. Many of us remember this exercise from gym class. Many of us probably haven't performed this exercise since gym class, and I bet many of us forgot what a great workout you can get from this movement. Start out with your legs at shoulder width apart. Squat down as you place your hands on the floor just in front of your legs. Move into a pushup position. Bring your legs back into a squat position and return to a standing position.

4. Mountain Climbers Start in a modified pushup position with your butt slightly in the air. Get up on your finger tips and alternate your legs in a climbing movement. This will get your heart rate moving.

5. Jump Lunges
This exercise requires coordination and balance, but is a great lower body and cardio exercise. Start with your legs slightly less than shoulder width apart. Throw one of your legs back, keep your back straight, hands on your hips and lower your body until your front leg reaches a 90 degree angle. Jump in the air and switch legs.

6. Stretching
Stretching is a forgotten part of any exercise routine. Not only is it vital, but stretching will prevent injury and aid in the progression of anyone's physical health. Opinions vary when stretching should occur, but I like to stretch throughout my exercise session.

7. Dips
Dips have always been regarded as an ideal upper body exercise. To perform dips at home, all that is needed is 2 sturdy chairs. Lower the upper body until the bend in the elbow reaches 90 degrees and then push up.

8. Jump Rope
Until now I have provided exercise ideas which cost nothing to perform. Even though a good quality jump rope is fairly inexpensive, this is a fantastic cardio and coordination exercise worth the investment. Jumping rope requires a little practice, but this can be a great alternative to running especially on cold, snowy winter days.

9. Heavy Bag WorkThis is great stress reliever and a great workout. The key is to use proper punching technique to prevent hand and wrist injury.

10. Exercise Ball
There are many uses for the exercise ball beyond working your abs. An exercise ball can increase the intensity and add an element of balance and control to a variety of movements. The one great thing the ball does is work the core muscles which are crucial for balance, and posture.

 Here are some extra tips - No equipment needed 

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Nº1 Perfume (4 me )

 ♥♥♥My Favourite Perfume of ALL Times ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


I Absolutely love this perfume more than any other .I love everything about it the bottle it self ,the colours and obviously the smell .I first smelled this perfume in a Pharmacy and the smell stayed "on my nose " the all day and so in my friend . In the beginning we thought someone really smelled nice but then we realised that the smell was following us and then we knew it was Katy Perry perfume that couldn´t leave us alone :) .

After that I had to buy it ! But the price was a bit to high for a celeb perfume they usually not that expensive I mean it was lyke 48 Pounds but then I got to buy on Ebay for 28 Pounds(knew )which was a good deal I think .

This is my Nº 1 PERFUME .

I know there is another version( the one on the right side ) but Im not aware of the smell .I actually never saw it in stores .



Review on AVENE TRIACNEAL and Soapless Cleanance Cleanser

TriAcneal Skin Care is best suited for adult acne, adolescent acne, fine lines and wrinkles and oily, blemish prone skin.The benefits of using Avene TriAcneal Skin Care:

  • helps reduce residual marks and scars
  • helps eliminate blemishes with little to no irritation
  • reduces redness and irritation
  • provides anti-aging benefits
  • offers superficial exfoliation to smooth skin
  • Paraben free
  • hypoallergenic
  • non-comedogenic

    I Bought this product 6 months ago I used it everyday for the first 3 months and I got good results I stoped using everyday and only used when I had pimples because it was a bit harsh on my skin as its for seve imperfections but it gave me a good complexion and it improved my scars which was what I was looking for .I bought this product because at that moment I had a couple of cyst acne on my right cheek and there was nothing that could bring them to a head but triacneal did it for me .Not only brought my cyst acne to a head but brought up all my impurities to a head. When I first used I thought it made it worse because I was getting more and more but after I researched the product in more depth I realised that was normal .I only use it when I feel that my skin needs a depth cleanance and I apply it just when I have a pimple so it dries quicker and scarless .

    The smell it isn´t the best smell but it´s not too bad .NOTHING you can´t handle also people said in reviews that it stinges when you apply it but in my skin it didn´t so it really depends on the person and so as the results .

    The AVENE products can be quite pricy in some countries .Wher I live I bought it for 13.50 Euros in UK is about 18 Pounds .
    In America from the research I did it´s expensive more than some brands like Clinique wich is the way round in Europe .

    I used this product together with the Soapless cleanance gel cleanser which is advised from Avéne to combined together .It has a fairly neutral smell, a medium-thick consistency and a creamy consistency when you massage it into your hands and onto your face. Its not particularly my favourite but its not bad .I do feel that It doesn´t clean all my make up off but after when I use the my rose water as a toner I take the dirty that it left .I do believe it helped to keep my blemishes controled .It's not very expensive I bought it in UK - Boots for 8 Pounds 200 ml and It last for ages .


    A soapless gel cleanser specially formulated for normal, combination or sensitive skin. The gentle Avene formula contains micro particles enriched with vitamin E to melt into skin and remove make up and impurities without upsetting the skin’s natural PH balance.

  • Removes make up and impurities, restoring the skin’s PH balance
  • Micro particles enriched with vitamin E
  • Soft and gentle cleanser
  • Hypoallergenic and non-comedongenic

Sunday 11 November 2012

Get the Happy girls are the Prettiest Official Style



 Get the Happy Girls Are The Prettiest 


EMA´S 2012


Full list of winners from the MTV EMAs 2012
Best Female - Taylor Swift
Best Male - Justin Bieber
Best New Act - One Direction
Best Song - Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepson
Best World Stage - Justin Beiber
Best Video, Gangnam Style, PSY
Best Rock - Linkin Park
Best Pop - Justin Beiber
Best Look - Taylor Swift
Best Alternative - Lana Del Rey
Best Hip Hop - Nicki Minaj
Best Live - Taylor Swift
Biggest Fans - One Direction
BestPUSH - Carly Rae Jepson
Global Icon - Whitney Houston


Alicia Keys                                                                                          Kim Kardashian

                                                                 Taylor Swift
Carly Rae Jepsen                                                                                      Rita Ora


Stud It Up


Get inspired Get motivated 

Be Creative Be Unique

Not just save money but also style it up to your style and however you like it .
Here are some ideas for you girlies get inspired to do your own .
There are many items that you can stud ,from shoes to shorts and many more .
All you need is some rock studs that is going to make any girl jelous .

Now you have no worries ... No one is going wear the same as you 

Get an Idea of how to do it with Michelle Phan 

Saturday 10 November 2012

Trend ALERT Ombre Hair



The hairstyle that everyone is opting for


Concealer girl best friend

Concealer a Girl`s Best Friend 


Style your hair with Schwarzkopf

Smart Styling from Schwarzkopf

I absolutely  love these Schwarzkof line called "got2b ".

All the products are unique and they are aim to all different purposes .
I will do a review on the products that I own starting with the 

*Got2b - 2 SEXY collagen lift effect ,big volume mouse 

This sexy mousse adds a boost of plumpness to any hair type for that foxy, lush hair style .I own the ultra hold so I can get the bes results also because I have straight hair and it´s harder for us "girls " to get more boost/volume compare to curly/wavy hair .Also what I love about this product is the smell which the hairspray also has the same smell and it´s equally good as the mousse .The hairpray is ultra hold too and it easy to brush off and the most important fact is that its holds you hairstyle .


1- Apply in damp hair a generous amount all over it and finish it of by blow drying how you normaly do .To get better results glow dry it with your hair upside dow with a round brush for a booster look .

2- To get the beach waves if you already have wave/curly hair then you can just spread some mousse in your hands and crush your hair with your hand until you get the desire look .If you have straight hair if better if  you curl or make it wavy the quickiest way you can (as you going to "ruin it " by crushing your hair ).

*Got2b Power´ful volumizing styling powder

This formula texturises each hair stand to create maximum volume at the roots in an instant !

This product consists of a little sticky powder " while in your hand " and when you put it in your roots it give you a "right away " boost . This is a great alternative to the teasing and it doesnt damage your hair as much as backcombing .
You just have to put it generous amount in your hand and rub your hand together until the powder dissapears but it will still be in your hand and them just apply it on your roots with your hair upside down .  Just put as much as you want until you get the look you aiming at .Try different styles!



*When applying an eyeliner ,start from the inside corner of your eye and work outwards the outside .


*Deep-set eyes can be made prominent by applying a pale shade of eye shadow over your lid and darker shadow under your brow.

*When it comes to color choices for eyeshadow, the rule is to test different colors and wear what you like best .

*Make your lips look fuller by lining them with a pencil and then blend the edges with a sponge applicator .Then cover with gloss .

*If you have thin lips, use a lighter colored lipstick .A dark shade lipstick makes your lips look smaller .

*When putting on you foundation , always do it in a bright-lit room or by a window, so you can do so evenly .

*Curling your eyelashes will make your eyes appear wider, healthier and more more youthful .To get a better result heat up you lash curler with a blow dryer .

Amazing DIY´S

Amazing DIY´S 


Shredded Tee 

Skull cut - out shirt

 Diamond Slashed Back Tee

  Draped Skirt