Tuesday 13 November 2012

Nº1 Perfume (4 me )

 ♥♥♥My Favourite Perfume of ALL Times ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


I Absolutely love this perfume more than any other .I love everything about it the bottle it self ,the colours and obviously the smell .I first smelled this perfume in a Pharmacy and the smell stayed "on my nose " the all day and so in my friend . In the beginning we thought someone really smelled nice but then we realised that the smell was following us and then we knew it was Katy Perry perfume that couldn´t leave us alone :) .

After that I had to buy it ! But the price was a bit to high for a celeb perfume they usually not that expensive I mean it was lyke 48 Pounds but then I got to buy on Ebay for 28 Pounds(knew )which was a good deal I think .

This is my Nº 1 PERFUME .

I know there is another version( the one on the right side ) but Im not aware of the smell .I actually never saw it in stores .


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