Saturday 10 November 2012



*When applying an eyeliner ,start from the inside corner of your eye and work outwards the outside .


*Deep-set eyes can be made prominent by applying a pale shade of eye shadow over your lid and darker shadow under your brow.

*When it comes to color choices for eyeshadow, the rule is to test different colors and wear what you like best .

*Make your lips look fuller by lining them with a pencil and then blend the edges with a sponge applicator .Then cover with gloss .

*If you have thin lips, use a lighter colored lipstick .A dark shade lipstick makes your lips look smaller .

*When putting on you foundation , always do it in a bright-lit room or by a window, so you can do so evenly .

*Curling your eyelashes will make your eyes appear wider, healthier and more more youthful .To get a better result heat up you lash curler with a blow dryer .

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